
We have an archival exhibit program on the Universal

I think we as a department have been working with FIDM Museum Feature exhibitions since almost the very beginning.  Personally, I wasn’t really involved until about 2006 with Serenity and Cinderella Man from a collections management perspective.  I officially took over the loans in 2009, although I helped dress a few titles before that.  A few years back we also started working with you on your TV exhibit where we’ve had The Sound of Music Live, Parenthood, Suits and Peter Pan Live all appear in the exhibit.
We have an archival exhibit program on the Universal lot which features individual costume cases in about six locations.  We also participate in one-off events for Studio Operations and our Publicity departments where costume is sometimes needed.  Via our external loans & exhibits program, we loan to museums all over the world.  We participated in the Victoria & Albert’s Hollywood Costume exhibition which had five stops worldwide, culminating at the new Academy Museum space and this year we’re loaning some costumes to the Imperial War Museum in London.
We actually look at it as collaboration with Michael Black, who coordinates all the exhibits.  Usually he’ll send us a wish list of Universal/Focus titles for the year.  We’ll then send him pictures from what we have, refer him to others if the films were pick-ups, or help coordinate with Focus Features Publicity when costumes need to be re-rented for the exhibit.

