
Superhero cosplay with what appears to be a second stylized

Superman's "belt" not really a belt, but that's kind of what it looks like so we're rolling with it now features a rectangular, instead of circular, Superhero cosplay with what appears to be a second stylized "S" added to center -- but different stylization than the one his chest, at least as far as we can tell.
The thicker, more rectangular belt seems to have inscriptions on it -- but even in the high-resolution look included above, we can't really see what they might be.
The striations on the side of the costume's body and ribs, that lead to the belt, have also had their pattern noticeably altered.
Superman's "S" emblem appears slightly different; there appears to be a line going through it. That's in keeping with the branding that they did for the film: the textural "swooshes" that run through all of the Marvel costume on the "steel"-looking t-shirts and other merchandising, for instance. In the original film, that didn't carry through to the S as a practical design element, but it appears to do so now.
The "S" also appears smaller and more below the neckline, which is more in line with the conventional look for Superman, especially onscreen.While certain artists -- notably movie costume and others -- have often featured a "S" that's nearly the size of Superman's entire chest, the one featured in Man of Steel is bigger than the Batman V Superman one.

