
I personally think Captain America mask is too young

The only stuff I've seen Charlie in is Justice League Costume and I'll be curious to see him in Crimson Peak, although I have not seen Sons of Anarchy. Despite not being familiar with his work, I think he is more than capable of taking on the role Arthur Curry Aquaman.
Yes, she is in Marvel's Thor films, I know. However, I thought Jaimie was underused as Lady Sif, and I'd love to see her as Wonder Woman, seeing that she does okay the strong heroine ver well. Only problem is that I wouldn't want her being unconfortable or being against being in a costume, or even the costume Gal Gadot wore.
I personally think Captain America mask is too young for the role of Flash. I don't want Flash to be the same as Spider-Man in personality and quirks. This is why I want Chris Pine as The Flash. Pine is able to bring us a serious character while also being able to deliver SOME humor, like he did with Captain Kirk in Star Trek.Yes, he's in Marvel's Gauradians of the freaking Galaxy, I know.
But I think he is capable to do two comic book roles at the same time. Cooper, I think, could be able to capture the charm of Ryan DC costume, who really was the problem of that film, and he could be a great Green Lantern alongside The Flash.

