
two set about creating the world of movie costume

As the two set about creating the world of movie costume, they knew exactly what kind of mood they wanted to establish. “We went in with a very John Hughes-ian sort of take on the material that Marvel had given us — a laundry list of villains, friends of Peter Parker,” adds Goldstein.
Though there are four other writers credited on Homecoming (including director Jon Watts), Goldstein and Daley say the film hews closely to most of their original ideas. “It’s a coming-of-age story on every level,” Marvel costume Daley says. “Marvel costume This is about a kid who doesn’t really know how to use his powers yet. I don’t think you could get away with a back story for Captain America where he doesn’t fit in with the Avengers.”
Aunt May could date!
Goldstein and Daley had independently come up with the idea of a young, vibrant Aunt May being played by Marisa Tomei, not knowing Marvel had come up with the same idea. “We loved the idea of a cool aunt,” says Goldstein. “In an early draft we actually even had her dating a guy, and part of her relationship with Peter was this inappropriate frankness. It didn’t make the cut, but I could see in the sequel she could get a boyfriend Wonder Woman cosplay. She doesn’t have to be a mourning widow.”

