
Superman cosplay costume ceremonial garb without access

While it's easy, at first glance, to think that the Superman movie costume hasn't changed much between last year's Man of Steel and 2016's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, there are in fact a number of little details that have been altered.
And this being the Internet, it's our obligation to make something big out of a number of little details. Why?
Well, becuase the Superman costume is incredibly iconic, and the fact that Man of Steel was the first truly major alteration done to it in live action and on the big screen in years means a lot of fans were unhappy, or at least had feedback. Marvel costume Some fo that feedback hasn't been taken into account here, obviously, although our first look indicates that some of it has.
So here are the things that we noticed have changed from the previous version to this one.
For the sake of ease of editing, we're going to have the Batman v Superman images on the left and the Man of Steel images on the right, even though that's the reverse of the "before and after" dynamic one might expect for the story.
Also -- yes, we're aware that his hair is different and that he's bigger, bulkier, buffer, however you want to say it. Those aren't really part of the costume, though, except in the sense that it distinguishes him from Clark Kent.
We'll just assume, by the way, that there's some logical explanation to how Superman alters his Superman cosplay costume ceremonial garb without access to his Scout Ship/Fortress of Solitude which fell into government hands at the end of Man of Steel.

