
Suicide Squad got the character DC costume

Suicide Squad got the character DC costume and the characterizations themselves right, but I can’t praise them spinning Joker and Harley’s relationship as a love story any more than I can praise Jared Leto’s horrible costume, which more or less goes with his horrible Jim Carrey impression which was supposed to be the Joker. This leads me to my next point about studio meddling. It’s widely publicized how WB messed about with Suicide Squad and Dawn of Justice and completely smothered them in a bid to grab some cash and set up fifty future movies. This is a problem that doesn’t seem to be going away.
Justice League is already beginning to feel like a made by committee film with how they are incorporating humor and changing tones and whatnot. It doesn’t feel like they’re doing it because of the feedback and to respect the source material, but because they have to if they want to keep filling in seats and keep fans happy. Just because they gave each character’s costume a ‘new movie, new costume!’ upgrade and brightened the colors on the said costume doesn’t mean the film is fixed. Marvel costume is infamous for putting visuals above storytelling, and coupled with studio meddling, you have another potential disaster.
And that’s not even counting the fact that the film is already overstuffed, with how it needs to introduce the core cast, especially characters like Cyborg and Aquaman who the casual audiences know nothing about but both of whom have been given great costumes), introduce the villain, build character, reintroduce Superman (the black costume’s appearance not guaranteed and wrap everything up without looking like a blatant The Avengers ripoff. And let’s not forget the newly added Wonder Woman cosplay who again has a great looking costume—man, DC does some great costumes) See the issue? Marvel made it look easy because they had a very strong foundation, and even then they could have messed everything up. How they didn’t, is a miracle.
There is no reason Justice League can’t prove me wrong and be an absolute smash. I’m hoping it is, because I need good DC movies. But with all the circumstances and evidence surrounding Justice League, I can’t be confident. I’ll buy my ticket anyway, and maybe that’s all WB is aiming for anyway.

