
Justice League Costume is completely excusable

Now I will say that the Justice League Costume is completely excusable, because not liking a sombre story and preferring a lighthearted one is a personal preference, but the rest are pressing problems. Of all DCEU movies, Man of Steel is arguably the best, as it provides a Superman for a new generation whose costume thankfully does not involve wearing red underwear inside out like the costumes of yore without the camp, and while the film never fully capitalizes on its themes, that’s not an issue for me.
My issue, is that Superman doesn’t feel like Superman. Superman is supposed to be this bright and hopeful character who DC costume, and Henry Cavill’s Superman just wasn’t that – all he did was mope, kill General Zod and no, crying about it in the end does not make it okay and show shocking disregard for human life while destroying Metropolis in his grudge match against Zod.
And this sad and depressed version of Superman was carried over to Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice too, ensuring they were sticking with this version of the character. They may have brightened up his costume for the sequel, but his attitude remained as bleak as his old costume. This darkness was present in Batman too (who has a fantastic comic accurate costume, but it made sense there, and while this Batman was satisfactory, he killed people which is again way, way off! And I’m not even going to talk about Wonder Woman cosplay, I just can’t handle that disgust.

