
National Superhero Day is but one excuse to wear your cape

As Wardy puts it, “There are many ways to be a girl. We’ve done princess to death, now girls want to show us other facets of their personalities.”
This Friday marks one of those big days that all comic book collectors, superhero movie fans and sci-fi enthusiasts eagerly look forward to every year; National Superhero Day. Originally created by Marvel Comics,the makers of such iconic superheroes as Spider-Man and the X-Men in 1995, National Superhero Day was set up in order to commemorate real-life superheroes (the ones that don’t wear capes or spandex), including firefighters and lifeguards, the types of people who protect us from harm on a daily basis not to resort to cliché, but they’re the real heroes!.
To pay tribute to the world’s true superheroes, people are encouraged to dress up as their favourite fictional heroes as they go about their business on the 28th of April. A growing movement has led to many people dressing up as the likes of Captain America and Batgirl and doing good deeds, such as visiting sick kids in hospital or taking part in charity fundraisers. Others simply use the day as an excuse to turn up to their office dressed as Batman or Superman and acting as if this were a completely normal thing to do you may need to check in with your boss before trying this though!
National Superhero Day is but one excuse to wear your cape, cowl or colourful spandex disguise. Between Halloween costumes, movie premieres and the many comic book conventions that take place around Ireland throughout the year (including Dublin Comic Con, MCM Comic Con, Limerick’s Brocon and Kerry’s K-Con), there are lots of occasions where you might see Supergirl or Deadpool strutting their way down the street. Long gone are the days when wearing costumes in broad daylight was just for kids.

