
We are used to seeing cosplay in places like Comic-Con.

That was, until a photo recently went viral on Facebook. And when we say viral, we mean, like, very very viral. Over 200,000 shares to date viral. What sort of epic cosplay madness would result in such an explosion of shares, you might ask? Well, it all started with a group of teens in Arkansas who wanted to add a bit of creativity to their prom outfits, without going too overboard. The result is not the sort of detailed and dutiful actual cosplay you would find at a gathering of nerds, no. But it is epic all the same... and absolutely adorable!
The ten genius kids in question were students of Subiaco Academy. And they channeled what it truly means to be a superhero: the hidden identity that only a fortunate few know of. Each of the kids dressed in colors that complimented their chosen superhero: Batman, Ironman, Superman, Green Lantern, and Captain America. To the naked eye, they just seemed like they were wearing colorful, matching and complimentary outfits. That was until, of course, the gals unbuttoned the shirts of their dates to reveal their secret identities. And... voila!

