
Do you like to play cosplay?

People appreciate being appreciated. It's one of the reasons I enjoy hosting cosplay contests. Because there may only be "three places (1st, 2nd, 3rd)", but that doesn't change the fact that every single person that walks across the stage put time, money, and effort into what they are wearing. It doesn't matter if it takes a week to make, 6 months, made it overnight, or bought it. Even if they bought it, how do you think they got the money? Someone, somewhere, earned the money. And if they made it? They put their own heart and soul into it. Even if they only spent an hour doing it, that's an hour spent longer than someone who didn't have the guts to put something on and walk on a stage in front of a group of people.
So with that said, I appreciate every person who comes to a con in a cosplay. It's hard work. They aren't just walking around having a great time. They are stopping for pics, aiding to drawing in the crowd. In a lot of ways, they are unpaid volunteers yet rarely given the acknowledgement they deserve.
So again. Thank you. I don't care what you dressed up as. Or how terrible you think it is. Someone out there related to it. Someone was excited. And you made the difference. You never know who you're going to inspire to join what's becoming a growing hobby, just because they saw the work you did.
You guys never get enough appreciation. Even conventions fail at giving it to cosplayers sometimes, not realizing that without them, the convention would be little more than a glorified flea market with added guests.

I can't say thanks enough.

